The 19th century. The fighting scene describing the love and hate...

There is singular meet between the after life and this world....

'ICS Fantasia' was produced so that this work might...



Study on cooperative action supplementation in metaverse.

1.Emotion and connection attribute

In emotions that are the origin of action by physiological and emotional behavior, in social situations, there are often behavioral differences due to their connections. An emotional reaction occurs according to situations where this is also unconscious.

As an element for emotion to activate.

    Distance to object
    Reaction time
    Relationship with influenced person at the same time.

What is important is the design of the context.

In the virtual environment, the act of being experienced by this user is easy to approach, but still it was difficult for a variety of expressions to be displayed due to system limitations, so it was more likely to flow in the same style of content

My Notice 'The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life' Erving Goffman

1. Which is more important than the appearance and content?

How can you answer if asked like this?
Many people answer "I am absolutely content is important".
However, even such a person should not be totally indifferent to appearance.

Even though it is easier it will not go to school with a room wear, and in this scenario (interview, date etc) you will pay attention to the appearance to have a good impression on your partner.

2. "I" to act


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-ICS (Interactive Cinema System) & IPAS(Interactive Prim Action System) for virtual World -
This system,which is not like Machinima,was developed into framework which can share same experience in virtual World.
We can make cinema-view by myself which we direct screen-effect,direction,camerawork,subtitles and so on.And we can be realized it.
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