The 19th century. The fighting scene describing the love and hate...

There is singular meet between the after life and this world....

'ICS Fantasia' was produced so that this work might...



Samori Modan

Born in Ohio on June 18, 1976. I draw blood from Mexico and Ireland. After studying Physical Therapy and Social Welfare Project at Texas University, I moved to New York and learned acting and participated as a model in ICS in 2011. In 2012, I am steadily gaining the skill while being a newcomer, I was selected as a heroine role of this work It was.
Eleanor Toulouse
Daughter of Henri de Toulouse, Toulouse, a tough one, but sweet only to her


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-ICS (Interactive Cinema System) & IPAS(Interactive Prim Action System) for virtual World -
This system,which is not like Machinima,was developed into framework which can share same experience in virtual World.
We can make cinema-view by myself which we direct screen-effect,direction,camerawork,subtitles and so on.And we can be realized it.
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